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Hadoop in action 2nd edition pdf免费下载

电子书 pdf 编程书籍 · 计算机. 发布日期: 2021-01-05. 更新日期: 2021-01-11.

Hadoop in action 2nd edition pdf免费下载

Title: Hadoop in Practice, 2nd Edition Author: Alex Holmes Length: 512 pages Edition: 2 Language: English Publisher: Manning Publications Publication Date: 2014-10-12 ISBN-10: 1617292222 ISBN-13: Hadoop in Practice 第二版 英文版 《Hadoop_in_Action》 《Hadoop the definitive guide》 《MongoDB权威指南》 pdf 《深入学习MongoDB》 pdf 《Fast Data Processing with Spark, 2nd Edition》 《Fast Data Processing with Spark》 pdf 《Spark快速数据处理》 pdf Spark SQL编程指南. 数据库电子书 《SQL结构化查询语言速学宝典》 国内第一套 Hadoop 2.0课程《Hadoop2.x 深入浅出企业级应用实战视频下载》 Hadoop新手入门视频下载 《Hadoop新手入门视频百度网盘下载[全十集]》 最近发现自己收集到的Hadoop学习资料有很多本,想想放在那里也浪费,所以觉得贴出来给大家分享,需要的可以去我CSDN里面下载,保证全部资源免费下载! 国内第一套Hadoop 2.0课程《Hadoop2.x 深入浅出企业级应用实战视频下载》 Hadoop新手入门视频下载 《Hadoop新手入门视频百度网盘下载[全十集]》 最近发现自己收集到的Hadoop学习资料有很多本,想想放在那里也浪费,所以觉得贴出来给大家分享,需要的可以去我CSDN里面下载,保证全部资源免费下载! 《Learning Spark, 2nd Edition》这本书是由 O'Reilly Media 出版社于2020年7月出版的,作者包括 Jules S. Damji, Brooke Wenig, Tathagata Das, Denny Lee。 如果想及时了解Spark、Hadoop或者Hbase相关的文章,欢迎关注微信公共帐号:iteblog_hadoop 图书介绍 第二版已更新包含了 Spark 3.0 的一些东西,本书 May 21, 2020 下载最多.

This new edition is fully updated to cover … Communications of the ACM - 50th anniversary issue: 1958 - 2008 CACM Homepage archive Volume 51 Issue 1, January 2008. 240 [2] Tom White .O'Reilly - Hadoop The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition Publisher: Yahoo Press, Oct 2010. [3] Tom White. Hadoop 权威指南(2 版)[M].曾大聃.北京:清华大学出版社,2010. 《Modern Actuarial Risk Theory Using R (2nd Ed).pdf》 《Option Pricing and Estimation of Financial Models with R.pdf》 《Portfolio Optimization with R_Rmetrics原着.pdf》 《Quantitative Risk Management Concepts, Techniques and Tools.pdf》 《R in a Nutshell, Joseph Adler, 2ed, O'Reilly, 2012.pdf》 《R.Graphics.pdf》 免费下载 Computer Graphics, C Version (2nd Edition).pdf手册下载 作者: Kevin Sitto, Marshall Presser : ISBN-10: 978-1-491-94793-7, 1491947934 : 出版年份: 2015 : 页数: 132 : 语言: English : 文件大小: Mar 26, 2021 You’ll find illuminating case studies that demonstrate how Hadoop is used to solve specific problems. This third edition covers recent changes to Hadoop, including material on the new MapReduce API, as well as MapReduce 2 and its more flexible execution model (YARN). Store large datasets with the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Manning's bestselling Java 8 book has been revised for Java 9!

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Hadoop in action 2nd edition pdf免费下载

In Java 8 and 9 in Action, you'll build on your existing Java language skills with the newest features and techniques. After a practical introduction to lambdas using real-world Java code, you'll dive into the Streams API. Groovy in Action, Second Edition is a thoroughly revised, comprehensive guide to Groovy programming. It introduces Java developers to the dynamic features that Groovy provides, and shows how to apply Groovy to a range of tasks including building new apps, integration with … ActionScript for Flash MX The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition.pdf免费高速网盘下载,百度云盘微盘下载,文件大小:10.81 M,由网盘用户于隐藏上传在90网盘系统并共享给大家免费下载。 ☉ 本站提供的 Windows.Powershell.实战(第2版)].(Windows.Powershell.in.Action)英文pdf文字版[附源码] 资源来源互联网,版权归该下载资源的合法拥有者所有。 快捷导航 The Spark distributed data processing platform provides an easy-to-implement tool for ingesting, streaming, and processing data from any source. In Spark in Action, Second Edition , you’ll learn to take advantage of Spark’s core features and incredible processing speed, with applications including real-time computation, delayed evaluation, and machine learning. Machine Learning in Action is unique book that blends the foundational theories of machine learning with the practical realities of building tools for everyday data analysis.

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